Quality & Operational Culture
Quality, Health & Safety and Continuous Improvement
- All plants are accredited to ISO 9001:2015 / IATF 16949:2016
- All plants are also accredited ISO 45001:2018
- 5S workplace practices are rigorously applied to ensure a clean and safe working environment
- Lean Six-Sigma methodologies are incorporated within our own VTL Production System to enable continuous improvements in all aspects of our business including quality improvements, cost and waste control and reduction
Corporate and Social Responsibility
Environmentally Responsible
- All plants are also accredited to ISO 14001:2015
- Working towards attainment of ISO 50001 (Energy Management Systems)
VTL is committed to reduce waste and pollution generated or caused by its processes. Energy consumption is tracked on a continuous basis and measures are taken to reduce our CO2 footprint with significant investment made each year to ensure we operate with the latest and most advanced technology in terms of compressed air generation, voltage optimisation and various other devices to reduce KvA used.
Socially Responsible
Health and safety of all employees and visitors is our top priority and robust systems are in place to ensure all our sites are compliant with the rules and regulations and that the safety of all our employees is paramount.
We communicate openly with all our employees on a frequent basis and promote positive and transparent relationships between employees, management and the company to ensure everybody feels valued and engaged.
We provide training to all our employees to ensure they can perform all operations safely and as efficiently as possible to achieve zero defects at the customer and minimise cost of non-quality (CNQ) internally.
The Company operates the following policies that describe its approach in this area:
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Recruitment Policy
- Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking
- Whisteblowing Policy